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Epson Onsite Coverplus

When investing in a lot of money, which is often done when you buy a large format printer, so is it really important to protect yourself as best as possible. 
All the printers come with a 12-month onsite warranty as standard, which means that should there be problems with the printer within the first 12 months, especially a technician will come and solve the problem for you. 

However, the first 12 months are over very quickly, and after that you no longer have a guarantee on your printer, soå should something happen to the print head or other parts of the the printer, soå is this at your own expense. 
Even though Epson's print head is of the very highest quality and all parts are made to last the entire life of the printer, especially; can the print head or parts gå in pieces. 
Replacement of such a printhead on Epson printers often cost a lot of money and there is only a 3-month warranty on them. it replaced the printhead. 
For that reason, we always recommend purchasing up to 3, 4 or 5 years of Coverplus,
You must see it as  an insurance policy your machine and do you share the price per må down seeding; is often no other than få euro per month down.
That is why you can call CoverPlus an "insurance", where you are 100% insured for the entire period. 

You  can read much more about Epson coverplus here
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