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Datalogic Gryphon I GD4290

Datalogic Gryphon I GD4290
  • Prezzo per. pc al momento dell'acquisto 1 94,00  €
    ex. IVA e contributo ambientale
Tempo di consegna previsto: 14 giorni lavorativi
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Descrizione di Datalogic Gryphon I GD4290

  • The Gryphon series of handheld readers already have a solid and respectable reputation throughout retail, commercial services, light manufacturing, healthcare, and access control. The new Gryphon 4200 linear imager has just moved the bar even higher. This series represents the premium range of 1D handheld scanners from Datalogic for use in multiple applications. It has been equipped with many future-proof upgrades to keep your operation ahead of the game. Additionally, the reader housing can withstand the harshest of chemical cleaning agents making daily cleaning easier and safer for the operator. The scanner will be operable from shift to shift and effortlessly read hard to read, poor quality, and damaged codes. You can even scan barcodes directly from mobile device screens or through tough plexiglass panels. Enhance the operating flexibility at POS, capturing any barcodes from near to far with a great depth of field – easier than ever. Operators can also read the ‘bottom of the basket’ items. You couldn’t ask for more.

    Select the right code every time

    The Gryphon 4200 imager comes equipped with a very intuitive soft line viewfinder. This helps the operators easily target exactly the code they want to read. Especially when there are multiple barcodes present, the operator can easily point, shoot, and decode the correct one. No more need to spend precious time making multiple attempts to scan the right code. Although the scan line is soft and easy on the eyes, the brightness can easily be adjusted based on your required working environment. Datalogic is there to meet the increasing demands in e-Commerce, where speed and efficiency are the key differentiators of the most successful organizations.

    Use as either handheld or stand mounted

    The Gryphon 4200 linear imager has an exceptional depth of field, enabling reading of codes from near to far, even when they are high density or low resolution. With Datalogic’s Motionix technology, your operators can easily transition between handheld operations and stand-mounted. The reader automatically detects and scans barcodes without human intervention. This goes a long way in improving operator productivity and will easily manage scanning requirements in virtually all situations. This premium reader easily handles fast moving codes, at different or awkward angles, and when lighting is poor or very bright. The Gryphon 4200 adapts to your requirements automatically.

    Charge wirelessly for extended life

    The Gryphon 4200 is truly unique in having inductive wireless charging. The number one failure of cordless scanners in the field is poor or damaged charging contacts. Rather than requiring costly and time-consuming maintenance, the Gryphon 4200 will never let you down throughout thousands of charging cycles. By utilizing the same standard of charging used by most smartphone brands, Datalogic has created a scanner that will increase your operator’s productivity. The greatest advantage of using this scanner is that it will continue to perform after continuous charging and regular cleaning cycles. A full battery charge gets you an unbelievable 80 hours of operation or 80,000 reads!

    Connect to any interface

    The Gryphon 4200 imager is designed to be connected to all of the common interfaces in today’s busy operating environments. The capability to directly interface USB Type C based solutions paves the way for connectivity to any type of modern PC or tablet and any of the latest POS systems and cash registers. For added flexibility, the wireless variants feature Bluetooth® wireless technology or Datalogic’s proprietary STAR Radio wireless communication. You can select the most appropriate solution based on your environmental requirements such as areas where interferences can affect data security and integrity. Whatever your situation, the Gryphon 4200 has you covered.

Tempi di consegna

Per quanto riguarda i tempi di consegna in tutta Europa, i tempi di spedizione da noi a te variano leggermente da paese a paese.
Per conoscere i tempi di spedizione verso la tua destinazione, consulta l'elenco seguente.
Questo vale solo per i prodotti in stock.

Austria - 3 giorni lavorativi
Belgio - 2 giorni lavorativi
Bulgaria- 5-6 giorni lavorativi
Croazia - 4 giorni lavorativi
Repubblica Ceca - 2 giorni lavorativi
Estonia- 5-7 giorni lavorativi
Finlandia - 3-5 giorni lavorativi
Francia - 2-3 giorni lavorativi
Germania - 4-5 giorni lavorativi
Ungheria - 2 giorni lavorativi
Irlanda- 3-4 giorni lavorativi
Italia- 3-5 giorni lavorativi
Lituania- 4-5 giorni lavorativi
Lussemburgo - 2 giorni lavorativi
Lettonia - 5-6 giorni lavorativi
Paesi Bassi - 2 giorni lavorativi
Irlanda del Nord - 2-3 giorni lavorativi
Polonia- 3 giorni lavorativi
Portogallo - 4-5 giorni lavorativi
Romania - 4 giorni lavorativi
Scozia - 3 giorni lavorativi
Slovacchia - 2-3 giorni lavorativi
Slovenia - 3 giorni lavorativi
Spagna - 3 giorni lavorativi

Lo stato attuale delle scorte e i tempi di consegna previsti del prodotto si trovano sempre appena sopra la casella "Aggiungi al carrello"; pulsante.
Nota: la consegna da un magazzino remoto può richiedere 1-3 giorni aggiuntivi.


Per quanto riguarda la spedizione, utilizziamo principalmente GLS, DPD, UPS e FedEx. Le nostre spese di spedizione sono calcolate in base al peso dei prodotti e il peso di tutti i prodotti dell'ordine verrà aggiunto al peso totale dell'ordine.

Consegna in tutta Europa

Utilizziamo principalmente GLS sia per le nostre consegne private che aziendali. Alcuni pacchi che non provengono dal nostro magazzino locale vengono spediti con FedEx, DPD o UPS.

Consegne aziendali (B2B)

Le nostre soluzioni di trasporto per i clienti aziendali sono le seguenti:
  • Pacchetto business con consegna tra le 8 e le 16 all'indirizzo.

Consegne private

Per i nostri clienti privati ​​offriamo:
  • Pacchetto privato con consegna: il tuo pacco verrà consegnato tra le 8 e le 16 al tuo indirizzo.
    In alcuni paesi, se non sei a casa, il pacco verrà consegnato presso un Parcelshop o come opzione standard.

Trasporto su pallet.

Quando i tuoi ordini diventano troppo grandi o il prodotto occupa troppo spazio per la consegna regolare dei pacchi, spediremo il tuo ordine su pallet. Ciò si applica in genere alle stampanti di grande formato o agli ordini con molti rotoli di carta.
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